交響楽団はやぶさ、医療従事者となった団員、主催の友情の架け橋音楽国際親善協会が、NHK WORLD NEWSLINE IN DEPTHに取り上げられました。

6月24日(水)09:15~ 初回放送から、翌朝まで計14回放送されました。




We have been featured on NHK WORLD Newsline in Depth!

Hayabusa Symphony Orchestra, members who practice music and medicine, and us, the organizers, were interviewed by reporter Fumio Kanda.

Our orchestra performers are in the difficult position of dealing with the pandemic as students and professionals in the medical field and trying to find public understanding in living a normal life with music. As music organizers, our mission has been and will always be to provide hope through the arts. We (Friendship Bridge) were asked about our proposal of the Hayabusa Standard, the new standard in which orchestral performances can resume…

The report is available for our to enjoy until the end of July 2020!
