行啓: 皇太子同妃両殿下
会場: サントリーホール・ブルーローズ
出演: (va) 皇太子徳仁親王殿下; (pf) チョン・ミョンフン;(vn) 樫本大進; (vc) 趙静;
(cb) アン・ドンヒョック
後援: 駐日本国大韓民国大使館、中華人民共和国日本国大使館
Friendship Bridge Open Rehearsal for Children 2007
January 22, 2007
Royal visit by His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito
Venue: Suntory Hall, Blue Rose (Tokyo)
Performers: HIH Crown Prince Naruhito (va), Daishin Kashimoto (vn), Myung Whun Chung (pf),
Zhao Jing (vc), Dong-Hyuck Ahn (cb)
Supported by: Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Japan, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to Japan
We embarked on a mission to invite children from Japanese, Korean and Chinese elementary schools in and around Tokyo, and to communicate through music. For 3 months, we visited each school and conducted “Music Inspired Painting” classes. Those children who painted whatever was inspired through the concert pieces were invited to hear the real piece live in a concert hall. The participating children went wild to see very similar and very different images of the same music in their paintings, and making instantaneous rappers with each other.
友情の架け橋コンサート実行委員会 会長
この度、日韓中友好特別記念「友情の架け橋コンサート2007」と題し、日本、韓国、中国から、趣旨にご賛同いただきました一流の演奏家による コンサートを開催させていただにとになりました。
Chairman, Committee on Building Friendship Through Music
Shoichiro Toyoda
It is a great delight to present the special concert. “Building Friendship Through Music 2007,” to commemorate friendship among Japan, South Korea, and China, with classical music performed by world-class artists from the three countries.
I would be truly happy if this concert could provide the opportunity to fully enjoy classical music at the world’s top-level and to touch the hearts of all with blessings of friendship and peace among the three countries.
It is a great pleasure for us to be able to welcome His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito, Maestro
Myung-Whun Chung, Mr. Daishin Kashimoto, Ms. Zhao Jing, and Mr.Dong-Hyuck Ahn to perform at today’s
concert. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the organizations and individuals whose tremendous
support and cooperation helped to make this concert possible.
友情の架け橋コンサート実行委員会 副会長
Vice Chairman, Committee on Building Friendship Through Music
Yoshio Hatano
The “Building Friendship Through Music 2007” concert is strictly a cultural event, with no political motivations
whatsoever. Nothing would please me more than having this event further deepen the friendly relations among Japan, South Korea, and China. I am certain this special concert will enhance our ties of amity.
I have been engaged in Japan’s diplomacy for more than 40 years. Historically, the three Northeast Asian countries of Japan, South Korea, and China have shared close ties, and I believe closer spiritual unity among their citizens will contribute to the stability and development of not only Asia, but also to the rest of the world. More important than political and economic measures, unity will be most effectively promoted through cultural cooperation.
Today’s concert, performed by top artists from South Korea, China and Japan, will certainly be a great success and a wonderful experience.
January 2007
羅 鍾一
この度の舞台は、世界最高水準のクラシック演奏を通じた“文化交流の場”としてはもちろん、音楽の旋律を通じた3カ国間の”和平と平和の発信の場”としても 非常に重要な価値を持った舞台になるとともに、次世代を担ってゆく3カ国の子供たちも一緒に参加する“希望と友情の場”でもあります。
Message of Congratulations
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Japan
Ra Jong-Yil
Congratulations to the organizers of the Building Friendship Through Music 2007 for successfully
holding today’s concert, in commemoration of the friendship among South Korea. Japan, and China.
The two friendship concerts held previously created epoch-making opportunities for friendship between South Korea and Japan. It is truly significant that this time the organizers have endeavored to invite the People’s Republic of China, creating another great opportunity of international friendship among the three nations of East Asia.
Today’s event is noteworthy not only as an opportunity for encouraging cultural interchange through the world’s highest level of performances of classical music, but also as an opportunity for utilizing fine music to promote harmony and peace among our three countries. This concert also provides an opportunity for fostering hope and friendship with the participation of children, the driving force of the next generation, from the three countries.
I hope this concert will provide a valuable opportunity for South Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese to deepen their mutual understanding and to experience emotional empathy through the universal language of music.
I conclude by expressing my heartfelt appreciation to the organizers for the tremendous effort they made to prepare this wonderful concert. It is certain that this evening will be remembered for its great success.
中華人民共和国駐日本国 特命全権大使
王 毅
Message of Congratulations
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Japan
Wang Yi
On behalf of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Japan, I congratulate the Building Friendship Through Music 2007 organizers on their successful hosting of today’s concert.
China, Japan, and South Korea are geographically close to each other, and historically have shared close ties. The three nations also share many common cultural features. Today, as we enter the Era of Asia, our three nations need to encourage greater interaction with each other and establish stronger systems of cooperation. It is especially heartwarming to also see the Committee on Building Friendship Through Music 2007 in promoting deeper understanding through music among children, our hope and leaders of the next generation.
I believe the special concert will be a great success.
Promoting cultural exchange among Japan, China, and South Korea through private initiative
In praise of the Building Friendship Through Music 2007 Concert
Ikuo Hirayama
A concert by musicians from Japan, South Korea, and China is being held this evening. All musicians from South Korea and China who perform today have won high praise overseas. I extend my congratulations to the Building Friendship Through Music 2007 organizers on accomplishing the difficult task of arranging a concert to allow young people, who will lead the next generation, to link their hearts through music that transcends national boundaries and ethnic differences.
Music is a form of culture shared by all humankind, not limited to any period, nation, or ethnic group. Wonderful music gives people peace of mind, enriches their spirit, and makes them feel the joy of living. Strong emotions move people deeply, leading them to experience extreme enjoyment.
Ancient Japanese acquired much culture from China and Korea, including gagaku, the traditional music of the imperial court. Based on the court music of the T’ang dynasty introduced into Japan, gagaku has continued uninterruptedly since the eighth century. The costume and musical instruments the musicians used during the T’ang dynasty have been handed down to the present day in their original form, and, as the title “Etenraku” indicates, the names of gagaku musical pieces have not changed since the T’ang era. This applies as well to the bugaku (dance music) of Todaiji Temple. The temple’s Shunie water-drawing ceremony, initiated in the eighth century, has been observed for 1,200 years. When one views not only music but also various other cultural fields in Japan, one can understand how all these fields were influenced and continue even today to be influenced by China and Korea.
A study of East Asian history shows that the cultures of Japan and the Korean peninsula were each a transplantation of advanced Chinese culture, including Buddhism. Based on this common culture, Japan and Korea have cultivated unique cultures of their own.
May I suggest that based on respect for this common cultural DNA and the unique culture of each country, the private sector should take the initiative in actively promoting cultural interchange in order to ensure the creative development of Northeast Asian culture. Surely it must be possible to relax the political and diplomatic relations among Japan, China, and South Korea, relations that have stiffened as if gripped by sub-zero temperatures, through cultural exchange. Based on such ideas, last year we launched The Cultural Exchange Forum in Northeast Asia (Japan, China, Korea) as a place for open dialogues among Japanese, Chinese and South Koreans.
Dialogues through cultural channels are definitely needed when nationalism rises in each country and public opinion takes diplomacy hostage. There are more than a few historical examples in which strained political relations were remedied by the power of culture.
The powerful music of peace created at the Building Friendship Through Music 2007 concert will promote friendship in East Asia and reverberate throughout Southeast Asia and the other countries in Asia. I firmly believe the beautiful music will spread further, to resound around the world, making today’s concert a wish
for global peace.
三村 京子
本会は、次世代のための「こころに残る文化交流」をとても大事にしています。心に響き、強い印象を与えることこそ本当の交流です。この度は豊かな直観的受容能力を持つ小学校4・5・6年の児童にクラシック音楽による「こころの交流 !を体験できる機会を企画しました。
チョン・ミョンフン氏は、世界中の子供たちがクラシック音楽に親しみを持ち、音楽への関心を育む努力を長年続けております。本会は チョン·ミョンフン氏と共に優れたクラシック音楽を通して児童に国際親善の芽を育てることを念願しております。
日本、韓国、中国の友情を祝う本会は、公開リハーサルを開催し、三か国の子供たちを招待しました。韓国大使館から東京韓国学校 、中国大使館から横浜山手中華学 校、そしてチョン・ミョンフン氏と桐朋音大学との教育交流のご縁から同大学付属子供のための音楽教室と桐朋小学校の紹介を得て、合わせて約170名の児童を招きました。
様々な言葉を話す子供たちが 世界最高のクラック音楽の演奏を、自分たちの絵に囲まれて一緒に楽しむ。
Linking Hearts Through Music
Committee on Building Friendship Through Music 2007
Executive Committee Chairman/Executive Director
Kyoko Mimura
The Friendship Bridge concerts were initiated to create an environment for “enduring cultural exchange” for children, our next generation. True cultural exchange touches the heartstrings of those involved and leaves a forever lasting strong impression. In conjunction with the special concert, a classical music educational program was planned to provide fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade students, the opportunity to experience the magic of music and connect.
Maestro Myung-Whun Chung has made continuous effort for many years to familiarize children around the world with classical music and to develop their interest in international exchange. Together with maestro, we hope that fine classical music will inspire great creativity and amity among children.
The concert, which celebrates amity among Japan, South Korea, and China, 170 children from those three countries were invited to the rehearsal. They came from the Tokyo Korean School introduced by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Japan; the Yokohama Yamate Chinese School introduced by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Japan; and the Music School for Children and the Toho Elementary School, both attached to the Toho Gakuen School of Music.
The sole condition for those participating was that prior to the main concert, they paint a picture while listening to the piece slated to be performed live —Piano Quintet “The Trout” composed by Franz Schubert. The objective was to have them experience classical music and express their impressions through pictorial representation, and to familiarize them with the music to be performed at the concert. Both the teachers and children were surprised and joyful with their many discoveries in their first experience of this kind. The paintings were created with intense concentration, and reflected the distinct individuality of each child.
Some of the colorful paintings by the children were exhibited at the venue of the open rehearsal.
Classical music is the true global language of communication. The happy and pure memories shared by all children will surely become the firm bonds of friendship in the future.
会長 豊田章一郎 トヨタ自動車株式会社取締役名誉会長
Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda Honorary Chairman, Toyota Motor Corporation
副会長 波多野敬雄 学習院長
Vice-Chairman Yoshio Hatano Chancellor, The Gakushuin School Corporation
音楽総監督 鄭 明 勲 指揮者
Music Director Myung Whun Chung Conductor
委員長·事務局長 三村京子
Executive Committee Chairman/Executive Director Kyoko Mimura
Executive Committee
岩男壽美子 慶應義塾大学名誉教授
Sumiko Iwao Professor Emeritus, Keio University
上野尚一 朝日新聞社社主
Shoichi Ueno Co-owner, Asahi Shimbun
大倉榮子 榮世達産業有限公司取締役社長
Eiko Okura CEO, RSD Inc.
相宅信夫 新光証券株式会社取締役専務執行役員
Nobuo Oya Chief Executive, Shinko Securities Co., Ltd.
加藤祐一 アジア·パシフィック·ランド·(ジャパン)会長
Yuichi Katoh Chairman, Asia Pacific Land
西園寺裕夫 五井平和財団理事長
Hiroo Saionji President, Goi Peace Foundation
瀬戸雄三 アサヒビール株式会社相談役
Yuzo Seto Corportate Adviser, Asahi Breweries, Ltd.
野中ともよ 三洋電機株式会社代表取締役会長
Tomoyo Nonaka Executive Chairman, Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
藤本厚子 青少年育成支援フォーラム理事
Atsuko Fujimoto Director, Japan International Youth Foundation
洪錫炫 中央日報代表取締役会長
Seok Hyun Hong Executive Chairman, Korea JoongAng Daily
俣野華子 元米国国立スミソニアン協会日本代表
Hanako Matano Former Japan Representative, Smithsonian Institution
ジョンF.クロフォード ジョーンズ·デイ法律事務所弁護士
John F. Crawford Lawyer, Jones Day
Special Patronage
羅 鍾 ー 駐日本国大韓民国特命全権大使
Ra Jong-Yil Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Japan
王 毅 中華人民共和国駐日本国特命全権大使
Wang Yi Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Japan
朝香誠彦 財団法人異文化コミュニケーション財団会長
Tomohiko Asaka Chairman, Cross-Cultural Communication Foundation
小倉和夫 独立行政法人国際交流基金理事長
Kazuo Ogoura Chairman, The Japan Foundation
小林陽太郎 財団法人日本民藝館館長
Yotaro Kobayashi Director, Japan Folk Crafts Museum
佐野忠克 ジョーンズ·デイ法律事務所弁護士
Tadakatsu Sano Lawyer, Jones Day
重光昭夫 株式会社ロッテ取締役副社長
Akio Shigemitsu Vice President, LOTTE Co., Ltd.
平井康文 マイクロソフト株式会社執行役専務
Yasufumi Hirai Senior Managing Executive Officer, Microsoft Japan
森稔 森ビル株式会社代表取締役社長
Minoru Mori CEO, MORI Building
後 援
Patronage of
文化庁 Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
韓国大使館 Embassy of the Republic of Korea
中国大使館 Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
協 力
Assisted by
財団法人日本民藝館 Japan Folk Crafts Museum
<協賛の御礼> Supported by
森ビル株式会社 Mori Building
日本サムスン Samsung, Japan
新光証券 Shinko Securities Co., Ltd.
株式会社フジテレビジョン Fuji Television Network, Inc,
キヤノン Canon
ソフトバンクテレコム株式会社 SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp,
West Nippon Expressway Service Holdings Company Limited
東海旅客鉄道株式会社 Central Japan Railway Company
社団法人東京倶楽部 THE TOKYO CLUB
株式会社ロッテ LOTTE Co., Ltd,
コスコ·ジャパン株式会社 Cosco Japan Co., Ltd,
あいおい損害保険株式会社 Aioi Insurance Co., Ltd
アフラック Aflac Japan
出光興産株式会社 Idemitsu Kosan Co, Ltd
TDK株式会社 TDK Corporation
マイクロソ 株式会社 Microsoft Corporation